Amazing Gender Neutral Gifts Your Child Will Love

July 30, 2020

Amazing Gender Neutral Gifts Your Child Will Love

It can be a challenge picking out a gift for your young child. This guide gives a complete list of amazing gender neutral gifts your child will love.

The latest trend in toys that's been on the rise may surprise you. It's out with the "pink is for girls and blue is for boys” stereotype, and gender neutral toys are all the rage.

There are many benefits to giving your child gender neutral gifts. When children are allowed to play with a wide range of toys, their development is enhanced, and they're less likely to succumb to traditional gender roles.

Don't limit your daughters to baby dolls sets and don't limit your son to action-packed superhero toys, or else these will be the roles they will feel they need to fill in their adult lives.

Here are some of our favorite gender neutral gifts your child will love!

Petventures: Personalized Pet Book

This one is definitely the most sentimental, unique, and heartfelt gender neutral gift on this entire list. Who do children love more than their furry friends? Mommy and daddy? Their grandparents? No one?

The answer to that question is debatable, but we know for sure your child will love this fun-filled and sentimental personalized book all about their pet(s).

You can choose your furry friend's look, add his or her name, your child's name, and your town to personalize your pet's adventure. Have more than one pet? No problem! For an additional price, books can include multiple dogs, cats, or even cats and dogs together in one story.

You can go all out and choose custom breed designs and colorings which can be created for an additional fee. This book would even make for a special and thoughtful gift idea for a child who has recently lost their pet and is grieving.

The magic you will see in your child's eyes as you read to them about their furry friend's adventures and seeing their pup or cat in illustration will be absolutely priceless.

For more personalized pet products, take a look at our products page.

Cook, Bake, Create!

Cook Bake Create by Green Toys

This Sesame Street-themed cooking and baking kit by Green Toys would make an excellent gift idea for kids! This kit features uniquely shaped measuring spoons in the form of basic shapes to help teach counting and measuring to young children.

The colors are gender neutral, and so are the characters. You could never go wrong with Sesame Street! The kit also includes a fun recipe book with easy to follow recipes like Big Bird's Banana Bread and Abby's Magic Mix.

The best part about this gift is that it is made in America by the company Green Toys. Their company uses 100% recycled BPA and PVC free plastic, and their packaging is made with recycled materials and printed with soy inks.

It doesn't get much greener than that!

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Magnetic Building Tiles and Shapes for Kids

Magna Tiles Educational Toy

There are many different magnetic building tiles and shapes brands out there. The most notable award-winning and STEM approved brands are Magnatiles and Magformers. Both brands spark creativity in kids, making it one of the most educational gender neutral gifts you can give!

Magnetic building tiles and shapes engage young minds by blending math, science, and creativity while also helping develop your child's spatial and tactile skills.

You can create colorful flat designs or build 3-dimensional shapes. The possibilities are endless!

Your child can spend hours having imaginative free play with these safe and durable shapes and tiles that were designed to last for years of quality use. Let your child's imagination run free. Anything they can dream, they can create!

Jar Melo Rock Painting Kit for Kids

Jar Melo Rock Painting Kit for Kids

This kit comes with everything you need from water-resistant paint, cool transfer designs, and even ten rocks. Give this creative gift to a kid for a fun and educational present!

Children can choose to display their painted rock art at home and in the garden or keep as a pet rock. This hands-on art activity could be enjoyed independently or shared with friends or siblings for even more fun.

Another fun idea would be to spread joy, kindness, and positivity by hiding the painted rocks throughout your neighborhood or community for others to find.

Melissa and Doug Fresh Mart Grocery Store

Melissa and Doug Fresh Mart Grocery Store

Do you remember those clunky cashiers we used to play with when we were children? You know, the ones that would come in garish colors, usually only two options, pink and purple or blue and red?

Melissa and Doug's Fresh Mart Grocery Store is a complete game-changer, and it's their modern take on those outdated toy cashiers. This kid-sized grocery store includes realistic features like a beeping "scanner," a card-swiping machine, a keypad/calculator, a mini "fridge," and a cash drawer.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, "Pretend play promotes language and social-emotional development." When we think of substantial investment in pretend play items, we often automatically think of play kitchens.

While pretend kitchens are also great tools for imaginative play; they seem to focus more on independent and solo pretend play.

The Fresh Mart grocery store encourages more interaction, engagement, and connection and promotes self-confidence along with social and cognitive skills. These skills are vital building blocks for success and personal fulfillment in adulthood.

ZÜM Bugz Ride-On Bumble Bee

This ride-on bumble bee by ZÜM is perfect for indoor active fun. It's simple enough for children to easily maneuver and ride around in any direction by using a foot-to-floor motion. This foot-to-floor propelling motion can develop motor skills, improve your child's sense of balance, and strengthen parts of their body.

ZÜM's BUGZ line is made with non-toxic materials like FSC certified sustainably harvested wood. The 100% soft foam body (no hard plastic shell inside) makes for a comfy ride. Another fantastic part about this toy is that the faux-leather exterior easily wipes clean, making clean up a breeze!

ZÜM's ride-on bumble bee was built and designed to last for years and would make the perfect gender neutral gift for any energetic and active child.

Wooden Play Food Cutting Set

Play food cutting sets are a great way to start introducing concepts of part and whole as well as developing your child's fine motor skills along with their hand-eye coordination skills making them an excellent gift for toddlers!

These sets feature a wooden knife and piece of sliceable food, like fruit or vegetables, that can be cut in half or into several pieces. They also make for a fun and hands-on way of introducing fractions!

These wooden pieces are held together with pieces of velcro, so the food makes a fun and satisfying "CRUNCH" sound when sliced.

You can even use the wooden play food parts as a tool to develop your child's language! Have them mix and stick different pieces of fruit or vegetables together and create fun and silly new fruits and let your child name them. For example, a lemon and a banana might make a "ba-lemon" or a "lemnana."

For a fun game to boost your child's memorization skills, first line up a few pieces of play food (the amount should depend on your child's age). Have your child study the pieces of food then ask them to close their eyes while you remove one piece. Then ask your child to identify which food you "ate!"

Build and Paint a Classic Birdhouse or Bird Feeder

Birdhouse Bird Feeder Kids

There are many options online for birdhouse or bird feeder kits, and they are typically easy to assemble and require no hardware, some even come already pre-built! These kits include everything you need to make and decorate a birdhouse or birdfeeder, like paints and a paintbrush.

Boys and girls of all ages will enjoy an activity like this! These kits would also make for an excellent co-ed group activity for playgroups or for parties.

All you will need is a little creative imagination to make a colorful exterior, and then you can hang your decorated birdhouse or birdfeeder from a sturdy tree and wait for your first bird family to feast or make it's home.

Gonge Riverstones

This item is on the pricier side but is well worth the cost. If you've ever visited the rocky shore of a river or stream, you know all about the endless fun of leaping from stone to stone. The Gonge Riverstones take that concept, remove all the danger, but still keep the fun!

They are perfect for developing your child's gross motor skills, coordination, balance, and weight-transference. Each "river stone" is vibrantly colored and features different angles and ridges for extra grip and extra challenge. They're designed and built with a non-slip surface and rubber edges, so there's never any fear of falling.

These stones were designed for indoor and outdoor use, so they are built to be super durable and long-lasting.

Gonge Riverstones and Gonge Hilltops earned quite the reputation for being amazing occupational therapy tools because of their educational, sensorial, and therapeutic benefits. They would also make for excellent co-ed group play!

Start simple and have your children hop, walk, and skip from stone to stone without touching the floor, kind of like the classic game we all know and love, "The Floor is Lava."

You can even incorporate music and play a game of "musical stones" where they have to find a large stone to land on when the music stops, or challenge your kids to hop using only one leg!

Kinetic Sand: Beach Sand Kingdom Playsets

Kinetic Sand: Beach Sand Kingdom Playsets

Bring the fun of the beach home and build amazing sandcastles indoors without the mess! It's hard to think of one child that doesn't enjoy building sandcastles, which is why this kinetic sand beach playset would make an excellent gender neutral gift!

Kinetic sand works like magic. It feels like wet sand, yet it's actually dry, and it flows through your hands smoothly without sticking, making it easy to shape and mold. Parents and kids often describe the texture as "soft and squishy" and it’s perfect for fun sensory learning.

The best part? Cleanup is a breeze and a whole lot easier than cleaning up real sand. You could also use just about any sand mold you already have with this kit.

Kinetic sand is available under different brand names, but we like the Kinetic Sand Beach Kingdom Playset because it's designed to be easy to pack away and store as well as its inclusion of eight different castle-themed molds and tools. This specific playset comes with three pounds of kinetic sand, which is more than the other kits on the market.

Kinetic sand also encourages language through storytelling and pretend play and boosts your little one's creativity! There are endless possibilities for what your kid could build!

The brand Kinetic Sand offers bags of different colored kinetic sand as well as a kit that includes a pack of four of different colored and scented kinetic sand (Cherry Fizz, Sour Apple, Vanilla Cupcake, and Chocolate Swirl) for the ultimate sensory experience!

Le Toy Van Doctor's Medical Kit

Le Toy Van Doctor's Medical Kit

This play medical kit teaches children from a young age to understand the importance of taking care of their health and taking care of others. Role-play toys encourage social skills, creative imagination, and language development.

If your child doesn't have any siblings or friends around to play with, he/she can pretend to care for their stuffed animals, making this gift great for independent play!

We specifically like this award-winning doctor's set by Le Toy Van because of its vintage look and gender neutral colors.

The Key Takeaway About Gender Neutral Gifts

Gender neutral toys are perfect for co-ed play, but the benefits go way beyond that. They help children go beyond the stereotypes that limit their ideas about who and what they can and should be.

We hope this post gave you some ideas for gender neutral gifts.

If you're interested in creating your own personalized pet book and would like to see some samples, click here to check them out!

Comment down below and let us know which one was your favorite gift idea or let us know any other great gender neutral gift ideas you might have.

Written by Petventures

Petventures was created by a group of dog and cat lovers in New York and San Francisco, inspired by our amazing pets. While we occasionally growl and hiss at each other over the respective merits of our feline and canine companions, we are united by our love of art, storytelling and goofy critters.

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